Gameplay Genre - Drawing

The drawing mechanic has been around since games starting hitting the App store. Old timers may well remember Flight Control, a classic popular game by Firemint that sadly was pulled from the Appstore back in September 2015.

Firement were also the team behind Real Racing, both published by EA many moons ago. Why they pulled these off the store is anyones guess, but I’ve found a video here and I’m sure you’ll be familiar with the premise.

We’ve seen plenty reboots of late that’s for sure and why not, it’s a tried and tested mechanic that players really seem to enjoy.  Drawing with your finger can tend to obstruct the player as the finger / hand covers the screen whilst playing and that’s not the greatest, however, if you’re quite quite and the game isn’t too fiddly, then this shouldn’t deter you.


More recent titles such as Scribble Rider and Draw Climber, both by Voodoo, use a deliberate box for the player to draw inside and almost completely removes this issue. Other titles such as Park Master by Kayak, very similar to the original Flight Control, seem to slow the gameplay down to let the players breathe alot more.

Dune Surfer and Ketchapp’s Dunk Line encourage the player to tap and drag faster to ensure the finger is only in the way for the shortest time possible.

One thing is certain though, if you’re looking to build some kind of drawing game, the immediate feedback that the player is drawing on the screen is paramount. Make sure when they press the screen, the start and end of the line on release is very obvious and doesn’t feel “janky” in

Gameplay Examples

Draw Climber - Voodoo

Draw climber

Draw Joust - Voodoo

Draw Joust

Dune Surfer - Crazy Labs

Dune Surfer

Dunk Line - Ketchapp

Dunk Line

Happy Glass - Lion Studios

Happy Glass

Happy Glass - Lion Studios
Park Master - Kayak Inc

Park Master


Parkour Masters - Voodoo

Parkour Masters

