Expand your inspiration to ideate and create

Market trends are an important source for inspiration and ideation for hyper casual games. Some ideas and trends stay strong over the year while others tend to change every months.

It is important for studios and publishers to utilise these trends at the right time to create the most value and impact.

Ideas and Inspiration

The Game Ideation Live Show

How to create puzzle games - Hybrid casual and hyper casual puzzle ideas

Top performing puzzles and sourcing new game ideas...

hybrid casual game idea framework - how to get game ideas - Homa Academy

Re-imagining the FPS genre and framework download...

Discord - How to pivot and create new game ideas - Homa Academy

How to pivot and twist to create fresh new game ideas...

How to come up with new game ideas - Homa Academy

The game ideation framework. New game concepts live...


Sources of Inspiration

AI Tools for Game developers - Game ideas generator - Ludo ai - Homa Academy

We were joined by Jorge Gomes from to  give us a demo of their AI powered game ideation tool.

Game ideation with AI tools

Discover the power behind the latest artificial intelligence tools to help you generate fresh game ideas.

Nintendo Switch  Wii

Some of the best party games ever produced and always a firm focus on fun at their heart.

MINI / PARTY GAMES Short, simple core design loops and thus work great as a hyper casual framework. 
RETRO GAMING Looking to the past can reveal some hidden forgotten gems that are ready for fresh revival.
GAME JAM VIDEOS Weird, wonderful and built within time restraints. These seed idea's can have great potential.

Trending games on stores

The Apple store and Google Play can be a good place to find the trending ideas, mechanics and themes and gauge the market trends for hyper casual games..

Social Media

TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and other social media sites are one of the best pools and receptors of market trends regarding all thing entertainment including hyper casual games. Various studios and publishers have turned these trends, particularly in TikTok into a successful hyper casual games.

Inspiration - Social Media Trends

Hyper casual game reports

Various hyper casual blogs publish their monthly game trend reports highlighting the most popular trends in games. These reports are reflective of the past trends and can give a good estimate taking from at least the last month, what some trends would look like going forward.

It is very important to understand and estimate how long the trend is going to last.

Publishers and studios have been in situations where they end up working on a trendy idea only to see it die down when the studio has finally created the game.

"AAA" ( TRIPLE A ) GAMES Million dollar budgets and packed to the hilt with action sequences and mechanics.
STEAM / ITCH.IO The largest repository of games from indie to AAA. What could work well on mobile?
CARTOONS & MOVIES From classic cartoons to modern day animated blockbusters, creativity is off the charts!
MOOD BOARDS & PINTEREST Use as a central point of reference for your games inspiration and collect aspiring images.
THE WORLD AROUND YOU Often “light bulb moments” can happen when you change your environment.
SPORTS Pretty much every game you’ll ever play has some kind of sporting activity baked in at its core.

Ideation Techniques

ISOLATION Isolation is an usual but interesting way to source ideas. Thinking outside the box is required!
FLIPPING ORIENTATION The concept is indeed simple but it’s still a smart way of thinking differently and testing ideas.
2D VS 3D Some games translate perfectly and can be the key to unlocking innovation.
CHANGING CAMERA Altering the Camera position or angle is a super powerful, yet cheap way to generate fresh ideas.
SUPERHERO SWITCH From Iron Man to the Green Lantern, these are the original power ups and are practically unlimited.