Game Design - The P.A.S.S.E.D Method

Whilst it may sound obvious enough that you’ll need a level complete screen when building a level based game, there are some things to consider and some important information to display that will enhance, solidify and pull your entire game design together.

When you really think about it, it’s probably one of the most important screens in your entire game. It defines your win state and underpins your game rules at each stage. It can be tempting to throw a ton of stats and details at you players here, and although it’s crucial to relay important information, it’s certainly a balancing act in both visual design and data overload.

The P.A.S.S.E.D Method

Not every game will need all the elements we’ve listed below, it’s more about getting you to think a little longer on your level complete screens and consider these small touches and indicators to have a meaningful game flow.

= Progression

Displaying your overall level progression status with some kind of animation, or even a simple visual “tick” graphic, is a fantastic way to affirm to your players that they’re moving through your game and heading towards something new. Just by adding your level progression bars here can be a super powerful technique that anchors the player within your games universe.

The other progression type is a trend we’ve seen many times where an unlockable items fill up after each level that’s been completed. Usually calculated by percentages, each level completed will reward you a certain number of percentage points counting towards the unlock. This could be 25% for example, meaning that after the 4th level has been won or completed, the item now becomes unlocked / available.

Typically becoming harder to unlock as you progress throughout the game, an outline of the item slowly fills to eventually reach 100% at which time it becomes available either for free or you’ll need to watch a rewarded video unlock it. This double progression approach works really well on both levels, game progression and character upgrades. Of course, just as most things in game design, this is relevant on a game by game basis and it’s definitely worth considering if this is a good fit for your game.

= Achievement

Probably the most common but nonetheless a super important ingredient to show on your end of level display. This will typically consist of your “earnings” or “score” dependant on your games currency or the win state.

This is also the perfect time to award your players too and re-enforce the victory with some cool goodies. Whist it’s possibly better to separate any “big” items to a separate screen entirely, especially for one-off skins or items that require a rewarded video to unlock, think about ways to incorporate this at this natural break in the game.

Imagine at the end of the level the words “Level Done” appeared and nothing more happened, pretty “meh” and “dull”. Your players have just won the level so try and make a kind of big deal about it, create a sense of achievement and this will give your players an overall feeling of accomplishment.

= Satisfaction

We all like to feel rewarded and feel that sense of satisfaction when finally completing that level or winning the race. Where possible make the win as satisfying as possible. Confetti or exploding Confetti Cannons are the choice of most hyper casual game developers of late, but don’t be confined by following the crowd.

Think about how your theme can expand on this idea and perhaps stars or fireworks could work well also. Go mad with the particle editor and this is a great opportunity to get creative and design some fun appropiate visuals. See smiles below!

S = Smiles

Now this will really be dependant on the “feel” or “vibe” of your game but having a fun element on your level complete screens can really elevate the overall game experience. The use of dancing little figures is widely over used these days but that doesn’t mean to say don’t use them, instead, think about how your game characters can transform or become more alive and look like they’re celebrating the win.

Perhaps you could dress them in a winners sash or a crown, or maybe have them strike a pose. One great example to look at is from Voodoo where at the end of the water slide race, the player does a huge dive into the end pool, goes underwater and then hits the surface. It’s relatively subtle but hugely effective, it’s totally smile inducing and oddly satisfying at the same time, a real nice touch.

= Excitement

Encompassing all of the above this is your over arching, most desired emotion you are striving to evoke in your players. Our retention ultimately depends on this as the more excited your players are to continue, the higher the chances are that they will continue playing and return day after day.

Now of course there are a wide range of emotions that we can aim for here, a spooky horror type game could bring dread and fear, but for hyper casual games specifically, the above elements, either singulary or combined, could potentially make the player excited enough to keep going.

Through our level complete screens we can lead the players through a journey they are excited to play.

= Direction

Hand in hand with our progression bars, direction leads our players to the next logical step in the game. By design we can usher our players to anywhere we like at any given moment and with this natural break in the game, it’s the perfect time to display any new skins or levels are now open or are about to be available. After pressing the “Continue”, “Collect” or “Next” button there should be no confusion as to what is coming next and they should be channelled effortlessly onto the next stage of their experience.

End of Level or Level Completed examples

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