Adding Your Game on Facebook

Our first test almost exclusively runs on the Facebook platform. To enable us to run your advertising campaign, we need you to connect your account with ours.


If you already a Facebook ( Meta ) developer account then proceed to the steps below. Alternatively, you can use the button to sign up now.

1. Inside your Facebook Developers account, select the "Create App" button.

Facebook - Step 1 - Create App-2


2. Select "Gaming" as your type of app and hit the "Next" button.

Facebook - Step 2 - Choose Gaming-1


3. Fill in your Display Name and your contact email address.

Facebook - Step 4 - Basic Details


4. On the left hand navigation: Goto  Settings > Basic.

Fill in your Privacy Policy URL.

How to set up a privacy policy URL

You can create your own by using this free privacy policy generator.

Follow the instructions and you can then upload the output. If you do not have an existing web host, here are some free options:

Alternatively, you can host your privacy policy on Github.

1. Create a public Repository on Github
2. Make a Privacy Policy html file.
3. Put it into Repository.
4. Copy the URL and put it into Google play console and your Android app.

Choose your Category & Sub-category:

Games > Hyper Casual.


Make a copy of your App ID and App Secret as you'll need these later on.

Facebook - Step 3 - App ID and App Secret


5. Add the Platform information to your game.

add platform


6. Select Android as your platform and hit the Next button.

Facebook - Android Platform


7. Select & Tick the Google Play option and hit next.

Facebook - Add Google Play


8. Enter your games Key Hash and the Package Name ( *Bundle ID ) and then hit Save Changes.. 

Your Package name example: com.companyname.gamename


Please use THE SAME bundle / Package ID for both Android & IOS. This will be much easier for administration of your game amongst all our partners (especially on the monetisation side).


Facebook - Package Name


11. Set your application to "Live".

That's it! You're all set and don't forget to make a copy of your App ID and App Secret as you'll need these later on.


Next we need to set up our Game Analytics account, register your game and receive your individual game keys.