Design Breakdown - FPS - Agent Hunt & Wild West Cowboy



Following on from last weeks Game Ideation Analysis Framework focussing on the FPS game genre, we play 2 of Homa’s new titles.

Wild West Cowboy and Agent Hunt are performing well and we’ll look at the game design decisions and monetisation strategies in place.

There’s always so many considerations when designing mobile games and we aim to remove the guesswork so you can create hit games by learning from what is working right now.

Agent Hunt

The AI in this game is surprisingly dense, enemies can see when other enemies are being shot down and get closer to check surroundings if they see a body.

You can actually benefit from killing enemies stealthily with a silencer gun rather than a noisy sniper!

Data points / Test Metrics on Agent Hunt:

  • $0.20 CPI ( FB / US )
  • 45% - D1
  • 10% - D7 

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Apple iOS ►

Wildwest Cowboy

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Apple iOS ► 


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